Sorry, I am going to go on a bit of a rant here… OF COURSE GYMS ARE SAFE!
Covid times:
Covid has been tough on many industries and businesses have taken massive hits on all levels. Companies are required to spend more money on cleaning, training and safety supplies. We have had huge staff turnover and we have lost customers to fear, new safety rules, and social distancing in our establishments.
Somewhere along the way the fitness industry became the enemy and the bad press for fitness in BC over the past few months has been astonishing and unwarranted. High intensity fitness classes were shut down in vague statements produced by the BC provincial government. Lots of people throughout the province then thought that all gyms were shut down because of these statements. Personal training and regular gyms were never shut down… and they are safer than they have ever been!
Your Fitness Professional is a LEADER, and always has been:
The employees and managers of fitness facilities are often former captains of sports teams and athletes of all sorts. Football, field hockey, lacrosse, hockey, gymnastics, triathlons, etc… name it, we have done it. People in fitness are leaders and accustomed to shining in adversity. When times are tough, you can usually see us leading the charge to make things better, it is our learned/natural behaviour.
When did that change? It didn’t! So, when the government says we are in a pandemic and here are the new safety protocols… we are the first to pick up the torch and start running. Extra cleaning? Yep! Wear a mask? Yep! Social distancing? Sure, we can make that happen as well. And the whole time we will keep our chins up and keep smiling! Day after day… it’s what we do.
Your fitness leader’s inherent nature is to help make your life better:
We come into this industry to make you a more awesome, more fit version of yourself! It isn’t all about the money for our industry. If it was about money, we would pick a different field, like financials. Exercise professionals take a ‘gym job’ with the intention of helping you chase your physical goals. It is about your achievements, and (selfishly) how much those achievements make us smile!
We are the field full of ‘keeners’ and ‘try-hards’, in it for the intrinsic rewards as much as the paycheque. Keeping gyms and classes open is about the physical AND mental health of our province, led by people who have ALWAYS had your safety in mind.
Exercise professionals are SUPPOSED to keep you safe:
We always have our client’s best interests, and safety, at the forefront of our minds. Covid times or not, we are required to maintain our certifications and constantly review our safety protocols (such as CPR). When your fitness expert has their keen eye on you… you know you are safe. That expert is also responsible for your safety in the gym during Covid, and we go above and beyond. We have always kept you safe and, without going into ALL the safety protocols, we are trying (and succeeding) more than ever.
So, if you are looking for physical and mental health, there is no place better than your local Vancouver gym. Go in, feel good working out, and know that your safety is in the hands of people whose genuine nature is to care about you!