
Tag: training

Top Fitness Myths Debunked

1. Stretch Before Your Workout. Stretching has often been prescribed to reduce injury, increase range of motion and relieve tight muscles. However holding static stretches for long periods of time before you exercise can actually hinder athletic performance, may increase risk of injury during your session and it is never a good idea to stretch […]

Breathing & Training – when should you hold your breath?

The Right Breathing Pattern to Optimize your Performance and Fitness: If you have worked out with a friend or trainer, you probably have heard someone tell you – don’t hold your breath! It makes sense that we should be breathing when we exercise, or else we will probably pass out fairly quickly. Why do we […]

How to start Running – for the complete beginner!

Running for the Newbie If you’re a looking to add more cardio into your weekly fitness regime,  you’ve been persuaded by co-workers to join their annual charity run, or if you’re a complete beginner and the mere thought of running exhausts you, then this beginner’s running guide is for you! Running is an excellent form […]

Do I Need to Train my Core? What Exercises are Best?

Do I need to Train my Core?  It is impossible to step into a Vancouver personal training gym without hearing a trainer talk about the core! Core exercise has been a hot topic in the health and fitness industry for many years. So which core exercises are best and why is it so important!?  Improving […]