


Fitness Trainer


Usually we start with something simple when talking about a teammate, such as “where are you from?”.  Well, this is NOT so simple when chatting with Rakhi Khurana (take a breath before you read this!) – she was born in India but is from Pakistan/Afghanistan ethnically, then she moved to the UK until she was three years old, then she moved to Nigeria (and this feels like home), and then Rakhi‘s family moved to BC in 2013 and she hasn’t looked back!

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s break down this Kinesiologist’s background.  Rakhi‘s passion for gymnastics and tennis give her the competitive edge, and her desire to hike/walk in nature keeps her grounded.  Look for her doing her own workout on the gym floor with ‘deep house’ blasting in her ear buds.  Coming to us from a history filled with rehab, Rakhi knows how to kick some butt as well!  There is a spark in her eye that quickly tells you how the workout is going to go. You will leave your sessions sweaty, challenged, and physically aligned.  


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Want to read some random facts about Rakhi? Read on:

What is your favorite piece of fitness equipment?
Kettlebells and the rowing machine. I appreciate the stability, design and foundational strength KB’s provide while being able to exert maximum force on the rowing machine.
What game show Jeopardy category would you slay at?
It would have to be Geography.

What is the one ‘cheat’ food, or drink, that you can’t avoid?
Grass fed Tahitian vanilla ice cream – it’s the equivalent of liquid espresso in your veins.

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