We all know that fitness and staying in shape will keep you safer during these unprecedented times. But how safe is it to go back to the gym? Are you safe with your personal trainer post COVID-19 in Kitsilano? Here at Rep1 we have gone above and beyond to make sure that you don’t have to worry and you can once again you can enjoy your one-one-one personal training. Let’s review the steps Rep1 has taken in our Vancouver fitness facility to make sure you feel comfortable while getting your SWEAT on:
- New filters:
- We have a robust intake/outtake air system here at Rep1 that we put in when we opened our doors originally; this was mandated by the city
- Right before we opened again post-covid we had the air filters in this robust system replaced
- Clean air is good air!
- Medical Grade hand-sanitizer
- We can use all the help we can get fighting the Corona Virus… we got the good stuff!
- Masks:
- Our team has their own, custom logo’d masks to keep you safe!

- Social distance spacing:
- Each person coming into Rep1 gets their own station; with social distancing in between!
- Each station has a complete government approved cleaning set up for a vigorous wipe down after each session
- Client times are staggered to keep the gym less busy and avoid overlap of the training hours
- Our great team:
- We clean up all day; every day!
- ZeroBlast
- We had ZeroBlast come in and do a safe, anti-microbial layer throughout the facility
- This layer was done by fog, last 90 days and leaves a protective layer on all the surfaces of the facility
- This ‘layer’ makes it so bacteria and viruses cannot attach on the gym surfaces
So besides just being the best personal training team in Vancouver, we are also the most prepared to get you back into fitness during this post-Covid world! Think fitness. think safety and think the Rep1 Fitness team when you are getting back into your exercise routine!