Last weekend, Krista and I (as well as her fiance and two friends) drove out to North Vancouver to do the Grouse Grind. I had only done it twice before and never timed myself so this trip was all about setting a baseline time for completion! Krista’s goal for the trip was a bit different: she wanted to enjoy the hike and finish.
I was wearing my heart rate monitor so my goal was to set a pace that kept my heart rate within my target range and Krista’s goal was to not lose me! Half way up the mountain, my heart rate reached a number that is usually very hard for me to get to, and it stayed in that zone for quite some time. At this point, I looked back to see where the other two were and saw Krista right on my heels, so my new strategy was to keep up with her pace! Little did I know that her strategy was to stay right behind me.
As a result of both of our competitive nature, and our ability to push past the inappropriately-dressed tourists, we finished the grind in 43 minutes.