
How to Keep Your New Year Resolutions

Getting a grip on your New Years resolutions can be done with a little bit of planning, perseverance, and a sprinkling of grit! I know that sounds difficult but don’t go away just yet! I’ve got 5 simple steps that will help you get there!

The new year is the perfect time to start a new chapter. So many of us choose this time to make resolutions and set goals. The new year brings a fresh start and great opportunity to ditch old habits and start new ones! 

As trainers we hear all about your health and fitness goals at the beginning of the year but unfortunately it is all too familiar to see these goals dwindle by March… So what can we do to stop this endless cycle of disappointment and feelings of failure?  

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5 tips to finally get a grip on your New Year Resolutions:

  1. Start Small:

One of the biggest reasons we see resolutions fail by March is that we choose goals that are too lofty, and without a solid plan to get there. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Limit your resolutions to one goal at a time.

So you have a big health and fitness goal in mind. That’s great! But let’s break it down into small attainable ‘mini goals’.  Achieving these mini goals act like stepping stones towards your big goal. 

For example if your big goal is to lose 20 lbs, a good place to start would be to just walk for at least 30 minutes a day. 

Once that has become a habit and a staple in your daily routine then you can tackle the next mini goal; start drinking more water.. And etc etc.. These small baby steps lead to healthy habits that become the building blocks to achieving your big goal.

2. Write it Down:

I can’t stress enough the power of pencil to paper! Write your goals down everywhere and often! 

Write them down in your day timer, on your phone, in your notebook, on a sticky note and place it somewhere where you’ll see it often. 

This will help keep your vision clear when life get’s busy! 

3. Make a Plan:

Creating a detailed written plan including the key points below:

  • The steps or ‘mini goals’ you will make every week
  • Why you want to do it
  • Potential obstacles that might get in your way
  • Ways you can keep yourself on track when these obstacles pop up

Say your goal is to run four times a week and you’ve identified that a potential obstacle might be that long hours at the office will get in your way.  

Take a moment to brainstorm ways you can get around this. Just by taking a few minutes to note anything that might get in the way of your goal and finding solutions for these set backs will lead to better success with your new years resolutions 

For a wish to become a reality you need a plan to get there! 

4.  Ask for Help:

Having a solid support network can help you stay accountable and keep your new year resolutions. Find a like minded buddy, a community group with the same goal, seek a mentor or hire a personal trainer!  Make your goals known to your friends, coworkers and family and ask someone to hold you accountable. 

5.  Find your Why! 

The first few days into your new years resolutions you will probably feel motivated and confident that you will finally meet your goal. This is because you haven’t really had to deal with any temptations or discomfort yet. But as the weeks progress and life starts to return to normal routine you will be faced with some obstacles or inclinations to fall back into old habits. 

When those obstacles pop up, take a minute and remember your ‘Why’. Why do you want to achieve this goal. Keep your inspiration in mind when times get tough. 

Behaviour change is very hard at first, but trust us – keep chipping away at it! 

Sticking to your resolutions is hard work. There will be set backs along the way but learn from them as you go. If your current plan is definitely not working for you, don’t give up all together, be flexible and re-evaluate your plan.  Ask your friends for advice or ask your trainer to help with planning. Be patient with yourself – remember: greater health and fitness is a life long goal! 

Here’s wishing you the best on your journey and to finally keeping your new year resolutions. Let this be YOUR year!
