
Do I need a personal trainer?



All around Vancouver there are fit people running, biking, swimming, kayaking and just being the most dang fit city in North America!  Look around, whether it is the beach-side path in Kitsilano or across the water in the mountains of the North Shore, people are making the effort to stay healthy.  We are one of the most dedicated cities when it comes to fitness! So why would anyone in this overly-caffeinated, health-conscious town need a personal trainer? Time constraints, commitment, results and even an improved ability to do our favourite fitness pastimes!  And how about the knowledge base and motivation that a fitness professional brings to your hour of sweat?  Let’s cover all these reasons below and show you why you need to sign up with a trainer today.


           People in Vancouver are busy!  The most fit city is also the most expensive… we need to pay to play.  So even if we get out on the weekend to climb mountains, cycle to Horseshoe Bay or get in a round of golf, our work/life schedules during the week make things terribly hectic.  Fitting in fitness can be hard.  With a personal trainer you get serious results for your time!  Once you have an assessment and a plan with your fitness coach, your workouts are streamlined.  The time you would personally spend making a plan for yourself is done, the areas of weakness are balanced during your workout, and your fitness goals are your coach’s focus!  Your personal trainer makes things easy (and hard) at the same time.


           Because all of us are so busy in Vancouver it can make our ongoing commitment to health and wellness irregular.  A personal trainer will give you a set, committed fitness time every week.  This is a set time in your schedule and build your life around it!  How many people do we know with gym memberships to places like Steve Nash Fitness facility that don’t use them on a regular basis?  Without that set exercise program, and set time with your trainer, your chances are low of getting the regular exercise you need. With a trainer you have to show up to your session… or else we call you!


           Are you looking to improve your triathlon time?  A trainer can help you strengthen your weaknesses and improve your result.  What about rehabbing an injury? Keep yourself on track by hiring a Kinesiologist to progress you through the injury.  Maybe you are just looking for general fitness, to lose weight, gain some cardio or weight strength… the best way to do this is to hire a professional fitness coach!  This is the person who will make you do the appropriate exercises for you!  Often we focus on the gym routines that we enjoy; a personal trainer will push your comfort zones and show you all types of exercise!  This is what will exceed your limits and make you progress!  The exercises you may not like could be the ones you need; your personal trainer will make you do them!  All of your favourite exercise past-times get easier when your training sessions are being directed by a coach because that is their job… make your life hard in the gym to make it easier outside the gym!!  


Your personal trainer will have a minimum of a training certification, and more than likely many more training specialties under their belt.  Whether it is a cardio exercise class or a weightlifting course they have taken, all of us fitness experts have to maintain our classroom knowledge year after year.  It is actually important for personal trainers to maintain their mental health and training game as they continue through their career. There are many benefits of this to you!  Instead of you personally trying to keep up with all the latest fitness trends and knowledge, your coach will do that for you… keeping your workouts fresh and fun!  


We all have those days where we don’t want to leave our bed and we definitely don’t want to workout; that is what your trainer is for!  Your upbeat fitness professional will take you through the good days and the down days.  When you walk out of your fitness facility after your training hour you will be feeling refreshed and energized… ready to face the day!  Not all trainers are ‘bounce off the walls’ motivating, that can be intimidating, but, again, they should be energizing enough to pick you up on your slower days.   

           As a gym owner you think it would be easy for me to get a workout in my day, but it’s not.  There is so much to do and get distracted by… so I have TWO trainers. Each one hits up a different style with me and we have progressed to a point where I enjoy the body I am seeing in the mirror once again.  Since committing to twice a week personal training I have seen amazing results, and I am a trainer myself!